Showroom for commercial
Free open space for showroom. Best suitable for shopping mall, departmental store, store, shop and cafe.
Total area: 3105 sq.ft
unit rate /sq.ft = PKR: 60,000
Payment Schedule:
Registration 15% PKR: 2,7945,000
Confirmnation 10% PKR: 18,630,000
Issuance of file (180 days) 10% PKR: 18,630,000
90 installments (1,138,500 x 90) 55% PKR: 102,465,000
Possession Fee 10% PKR: 18,630,000
Total 100% PKR: 186,300,000
Terms and conditions
All payments must be done by the Purchaser strictly as per above payment plan
The floor area of this apartment shall be considered as indicative and can increase or decrease
during construction, however, the final adjustment shall be done at the unit rate mentioned in the
booking file of this apartment.
The purchaser shall be bound to all terms and conditions signed by him/her at the time of
booking of this apartment